Giandomenico Basso and Mitia Dotta, Ford Fiesta S2000 Rcc, win the 36thRally 1000 Miglia

Second place for the pair Andreucci-Andreussi on Peugeot 207 S2000, followed by Scandola-D'Amore in third on Skoda.

21/04/2012 - The 36th Rally 1000 Miglia of Brescia, race organized by the Automobile Club Brescia, has been won by Giandomenico Basso and his co-driver Mitia Dotta, racing on a Ford Fiesta Super 2000 (Regional Rally Car) belonging to A-Style. The truly deserved first place obtained by the Italian driver came at the end of a leg one run on wet tarmac and of today's completely dry second leg. The second step of the podium went to the reigning champion pairing made of Paolo Andreucci and Anna Andreussi on a Peugeot 207 Super 2000 of Racing Lions. The Peugeot Italy colors bearers ended with a gap of 1'18''3 from the leader but kept the lead in the tricolored classification. Absolute third were Umberto Scandola and Guido D'Amore, on Skoda Fabia S2000 at 1'54''3. The Veronese works driver of Skoda Italy Motorsport obtained an important result and gained more experience for the coming rounds of the tricolored championship in which he will certainly be among the protagonists. Good race for the driver from Cesena, Simone Campedelli and his co-driver Danilo Fappani, on Citroen DS3, who has the season's objective of keeping the junior title. Now the Citroen works dirver is second behind Andolfi, on Renault Twingo. Andrea Nucita's race was not lucky as the Vieffecorse driver broke a hub of his Citroen C2 when he was leading the field.

As far as the race is concerned, it is worth noting that the best Italian drivers have been widely better than the wide range of foreign drivers in the competition. These foreign drivers include high experience and profile ones like Juho Hanninen, on Skoda Fabia S2000, who after trying to keep the pace of the top drivers he had to content himself with the fourth place at more than 2' from the winner. Very good performances came from Matteo Gamba, ending fifth in the absolute classification, and from Stefano Albertini, young talent of this CIR, very quick at the debut on a Peugeot 207 Super 2000, prepared by Racing Lions thanks to an agreement involving ACI CSAI, PIRELLI and Racing Lions Team.

In the Renault Twingo Top Trophy the victory went to the very young Piedmont driver Michele Tassone, while the classification leadership went to Fabrizio J. Andolfi.

Within the Brescia's round of the championship, the two-year agreement between Doctor Glass and ACI Sport has been officially presented to the press. The Italian leader in windshields, after reaching an agreement in 2011 as the Italian Rally Championship's “Official Sponsor”, decided to welcome ACI Sport's two-year proposal and therefore it will keep the same sponsorship status for 2012-2013.

The next round of the Italian Rally Championship will be the important appointment of the Rally of Adriatico, scheduled for next 17 – 19 May.

36th Rally 1000 Miglia final classification - 1.G.Basso- M.Dotta Ford Fiesta S2000 (Rrc 1.6 T)3.00'28.2; 2. P.Andreucci -A. Andreussi(Peugeot 207 S2000) 1'18.3;3. U. Scandola-G.D'amore(Skoda Fabia S2000) 1'54.3;4. J.Hanninen-M.Markkula(Skoda Fabia S2000) 2'14.6;5. ); 5.M.Gamba-E.Inglesi(Peugeot 207 S2000) 3'13.2 6.S. Albertini-S. Scattolin(Peugeot 207 S2000) 3'38.2 7; 7. L.Betti -M.Barone (Peugeot 207 S2000) 6'28.3; 8. M. Signor- P. Bernardi(Skoda Fabia S2000) 7'12.9 ; 9. P. Gyosher- D.Spasov(Peugeot 207 S2000) 10'59.0;10.J. Cerny- P.Kohout(Citroen Ds3) 12'28.6

CIR Junior classification: 1.S.Campedelli 3.13'15.3; 2.M.Tassone 5'24.5 ;3.F.Andolfi 5'43.8 ;4.A.Bosca-6'22.1;5.G.Cunial-13'21.0;6.D.Arati-14'52.7;7.E.Camponogara-17'39.9; 8.A.Tessarollo-25'32.7
CIR Standings: P.Andreucci 43; U.Scandola 33; G.Basso 25;M.Gamba 24; A.Perico 15
CIR Junior standings: F.Andolfi 83; S.Campedelli 75; M.Tassone 63
CIR Production standings: I.Ferrarotti 25