Spectacle stage: Scandola on top

14/09/2012 – The Skoda works driver Umberto Scandola secured the first stage of the San Martino's rally held in the evening from the Piazzale of Rosalpina in 2'10.8 in front of a very large crowd of fans. The champion Paolo Andreucci was two seconds behind the Veronese driver in 2'13.4 .
The driver from Bergamo Matteo Gamba spun at turn one with his Peugeot 207 S2000 that took him in fifth position. Good performance for Alessandro Perico that confirmed the third quickest time ahead of the driver from Brescia Stefano Albertini.

Today the fourteen lineups of the Italian championship will be racing alongside the protagonists of the Rally Asfalto Trophy, those of the Challenge and of the Historic Rally on the four stages on the roads of "Manghen "(15,21 km) and "Val Malene" (26,87 km).

The absolute classification after Ps 7:
1.Scandola- D'Amore (Skoda Fabia) 46'45.5; 2.Andreucci- Andreussi(Peugeot 207 S2000) 4.3; 3.Perico- Carrara (Peugeot 207 S2000)48.3;4. Albertini- Scattolin (Peugeot 207 S2000) 1'05.6; 5. Gamba- Inglesi (Peugeot 207 S2000) 1'35.4 ;6. Luise-Taufer (Renault Clio) 3.06.5; 7.Ferrari-Lamonato (Peugeot 207)3'24.6; 8.Giacomelli- Orian(Renault Clio)3'30.7;9.Daprà- Andriani(Renault Clio) 4'01.4; 10. Gheno- Marchi (Renault Clio R3) 4'30.6.