49th Rally Friuli Venezia Giulia Umberto Scandola and Guido d'Amore, Skoda, win race and Italian title

Umberto Scandola is the Italian Rally 2013 Champion. This is the main verdict of the 49th Rally of Friuli Venezia Giulia, race won by the Vereonese in force at Skoda with co-driver Guido d'Amore.

31 August 2013, Cividale del Friuli – Favourite at the start the Veronese thanks to the two wins on the gravel of Rally Adriatico and San Marino, and to several other placings during the season, won also today on the tarmac of Friuli closing two races early the fight for the championship. Great driver, excellent all the men of Skoda Italia Motorsport, extraordinary his Skoda Fabia Super 2000 that did not have problems throughout the season.

Less good, quite a bit less good, the rivals, starting from Giandomenico Basso and Alessandro Perico. The first fighting also with a not so solid programme due to budget limitations, run good races followed by some very disappointing also with some mistakes like the one in Friuli. While leading the classification – despite the short margin – the driver from Veneto went off track damaging his Peugeot 207 Super 2000 compromising a race that could have been his. Different story for Alessandro Perico, on Peugeot Super 2000, who in reality did not even start the race as he had a contact during the first stage and retired afterwards due to the very big gap from the top. A decision that, considering all the retirements that followed retrospectively has been a bit hasty.

With the major rivals of Scandola out, the standings of the race of Friuli were characterized by the good races of the young and very young drivers. The absolute second place, first in the Production Championship and in the Citroen Racing Trophy, went to the Sicilian Andrea Nucita. The 24 years old from Santa Teresa Riva, in the province of Messina, put in an extraordinary performance and proceeded the very good Alex Vittalini, 33 years old from Como, on a Citroen DS3 R3.

Very good race as always for Paolo Andreucci. The Tuscany driver gave today his crown to Scandola after winning the title four years in a row (7 titles overall in the showcase of the driver from Castelnuovo Garfagnana) and ended the race in fourth place with his Peugeot 208 R2 shared with Anna Andreussi. The placing was obtained despite a little electric problem that slowed him down in the first leg. The two brought some very heavy points to Peugeot, the outfit that is still leading the Italian Constructors Championship.

In the Italian Junior Championship, very good win for Andrea Carella, this time on a Renault New Twingo, who got the most out of Andrea Crugnola's retirement, getting closer to his rival and re-opening the championship challenge.

In the Renault trophies, Alessandro Bosca got the victory in the Clio R3 "Production" Trophy, while Fabrizio Andolfi Jr. won in the Twingo R2 "Top".

Paolo Amorisco and Alessandra Cavallotto got the victory in the second final of the Suzuki Rally Cup. The driver from Cuneo in force at Meteco Corse obtained a surprising victory as he got to the lead winning the last stage "Trivio” that turned out to be fatal to Alessandro Uliana. The driver from Treviso of Trt seemed to be heading to a sound victory as he led the race from the first kilometer. Uliana paid the fee in the last stage and gave the victory to the Piedmond driver that has always been in second place. A good second place after seven stages for Andrea Vineis, on Suzuki Swift Sport of Fun Cars, proceeding Gianluca Saresera in third. The fourth place of the absolute classification – first among the Racing Start cars – went to Filippo Visconti, who was 2.2 seconds clear of Marco Cappello.

Final classifications of the 49th Rally Friuli Venezia Giulia

RACE STANDINGS: 1.U.Scandola-G.D'Amore (Skoda Fabia S2000) in 1:54'57.2; 2.A.Nucita-G.Princiotto(Citroen DS3 R3T) at 3'44.5; 3.A.Vittalini - S.Tavecchio (Citroen DS3 R3T) at 5'34.6; 4. P.Andreucci - A.Andreussi (Peugeot 208 R2) at 5'55.3; 5. F.Laurencich-A.Mlaka(Renault New Clio R3C)a 6'57.9;P.Biolghini-E.Furlan(Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X) at; 6. S.Campedelli-D.Fappani (Citroen DS3 R3T) a7'03.4; 7. T.Pascoli-E.Narduzzi(Peugeot 207 S2000) at 7'12.9.1; 8.T.Gecchele-M.Peruzzi(Renault Clio 1600) at 7'31.3; 8.; 9.H.Gassner-K.Thannhauser( Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X) at 8'09.6; 10.A.Carella-I.Riolfo(Renault New Twingo R2) at 8'36.1.

CIR ABSOLUTE CLASSIFICATION: 1.U.Scandola (Skoda Fabia S2000)79;2. P.Andreucci (Peugeot 208 S2000) 51;3.A.Perico(Peugeot 207 S2000) 47;4. A.Nucita (Citroen DS3 R3) and G.Basso (Peugeot 207 S2000) 27;5.A.Bosca(Renault Clio R3)23.

PRODUCTION CLASSIFICATION: 1. A.Bosca (Renault Clio R3C)50; 2.A.Nucita (Citroen DS3 R3)47; 3.Vittalini ( Citroen Ds3 R3T)40; 4.I.Ferrarotti (Renault Clio R3C) 33; 5. Re (Citroen Ds3 R3T)29; Campedelli (Citroen DS3 R3)25.

JUNIOR CLASSIFICATION: 1.A.Carella(Peugeot 208 R2)114;2.A.Crugnola(New Twingo R2) 104;3. F.J.Andolfi (New Twingo R2)100.

CIR CONSTRUCTORS: 1.Peugeot 93 points; 2. Skoda 84; 3. Mitsubishi 36; 4. Citroen 35; 5.Renault 34; 5. Ford 14.

ACI-CSAI R2 CUP: 1. Andreucci 45 points; 2. Chentre - Andolfi 24; 3.Carella 22.

CITROEN RACING TROPHY: 1. A.Re-Nucita 133;2.A.Vittalini 128; 3.Campedelli.

RACE STANDINGS SUZUKI RALLY CUP: 1. Amorisco-Cavallotto (Suzuki Swift) in 1:17'36.7; 2. Vineis-Garella (Suzuki Swift) at 53.2; 3. Saresera-Goi (Suzuki Swift) at 1'36.3; 4. Visconti-Gravaghi (Suzuki Swift) at 2'26.1; 5. Cappello-Fabbian (Suzuki Swift) at 2'28.3; 6. Rivia-Massaro (Suzuki Swift) at 3'16.0; 7. Mollo-Casellato (Suzuki Swift) at 11'31.4.