Paolo Andreucci and Anna Andreussi, Peugeot 208 T16 R5, win the 62nd Rallye Sanremo

The Tuscan Champion dominated the round of Liguria. In the Italian Production, victory for Luca Rossetti, Renault Clio R3T, while Michele Tassone on Peugeot 208 R2 obtained a strong victory in Rally Junior.

Sanremo 11 April 2015 - Paolo Andreucci and Anna Andreussi, Peugeot 208 T16 R5 won the 62nd Rallye Sanremo, second round of the Italian Rally Championship. The Tuscan driver and the co-driver from Friuli dominated the race since the beginning and won seven out of the ten stages. The second place went to Giandomenico Basso and his co-driver Lorenzo Granai, on a GPL powered Ford Fiesta R5, while the third place went to the driver from Brescia Stefano Albertini, Peugeot 208 T16 R5, with Daniele Fappani at the notes. The fourth place went to Umberto Scandola, Skoda Fabia Super 2000, and Guido D'Amore. The driver from Verona has been slowed down by the failure of the differential in the last stage of day one. The tricky race also put off Nicola Caldani, Ford Fiesta R5, who had to stop due to an incident. Among the retirements of bing names, Ciocco's winner Alessandro Perico, had to stop due to the failure of his steering during leg one when he was fighting for the top.
In the Italian Production and in the Renault Clio R3T Trophy Luca Rossetti and Matteo Chiarchiossi led the rest winning most of the stages and closing ahead of Ivan Ferrarotti and Giacomo Scattolon. In the Italian Junior Rally Championship Michele Tassone led Giuseppe Testa, both on Peugeot 208 R2 and Luca Panzani, who also led the Twingo R2 Top Trophy.

The Suzuki Swift 1600s version R1B have also been present at this round that was valid as second round of the ACI R1 Trophy and Suzuki Rally Trophy with 15 lineups at the start. Millenium Sport's Claudio Gubertini and Alberto Ialungo confirmed their leadership ahead of Alessandro Uliana and Jacopo Lucarelli.

FINAL CLASSIFICATION OF THE 62ND RALLYE SANREMO: 1.Andreucci-Andreussi (Peugeot T16 R5) in 1:45'55.8 ;2. Basso-Granai (Ford Fiesta R5 Ldi) at 34.3; 3. Albertini-Fappani (Peugeot 208 T16 R5) at 1'25.4; 4. Scandola-D'Amore (Skoda Fabia S2000) at 2'01.9; 5.Chardonnet-Vilmot (Ford Fiesta R5) at 3'08.1 ;6.Baccega-Ottaviani (Ford Fiesta R5) at 6'52.5 ; 7. Ciava-Ciucci (Ford Fiesta R5) at 7'23.1; 8. Rossetti-Chiarcossi (Renault Clio R3T) at 8'28.4; 9.Ferrarotti-Fenoli ( Renault Clio R3T) at 8'32.3; 10.Tassone-Michi (Peugeot 208 R2) at 8'57.9

CIR Absolute Classification: 1.Andreucci 21; 2.Albertini 18; 3.Perico 15; 4.Basso 12; 5. Baccega e Caldani 10; 7.Scandola 8; 8.Ciava 6; 9.Tassone 4.
CIR Production: 1.Scattolon 25;2. Ferrarotti 22;3. Andolfi 20;4.Rossetti 15.
CIR Junior: 1.Tassone and Testa 27 ; 3.Marchioro 18; 4.Panzani 13
CIR Constructors: 1.Peugeot 35; 2.Ford 32;3.Skoda 8; Renault 6.
Production Constructors: Renault 30.
In the picture, the top three of the 62 Rallye Sanremo: Andreucci, Peugeot 208 T16 R5; Basso, Ford Fiesta R5 ldi; and Albertini, Peugeot 208 T16 R5.