Umberto Scandola and Guido D'Amore win the 3rd Rally di Roma Capitale on Skoda Fabia R5

The driver from Verona pulled a win in Rome at the end of a tight race. Basso-Granai second on Ford Fiesta R5 ldi at 2''9. Paolo Andreucci, Peugeot 208 T16 R5 third.

Rome, Sunday 20 September 2015 – Umberto Scandola and Guido D'amore are the absolute winners of the 3rd Rally di Roma Capitale, seventh round of the Italian Rally Championship, on Skoda Fabia R5.

The 3rd Rally di Roma Capitale has been a good race organized by Motorsport Italia, on a technically valid itinerary. The race has been tight from the first to the last km and the two main contenders, Umberto Scandola and Giandomenico Basso fought nearly until the flag, with Paolo Andreucci, third, that has been pushed away from the top early on due to a puncture he caught halfway through leg 1, when he was leading his rivals by a few seconds.

A good fight has involved the Veronese of Skoda Motorsport and BRC driver that saw the two heading into the last stage, after 148 km, with a gap of only 1''3. Umberto Scandola and Guido D'Amore, on Skoda Fabia R5, winning the last stage won also the race proceeding Giandomenico Basso and Lorenzo Granai on the GPL powered Ford Fiesta R5 ldi by 2"9. This was an important win and was the first of the new Skoda Fabia R5 in a race valid for the Italian championship. The third absolute place went to the Italian Rally Champion Paolo Andreucci and his co-driver Anna Andreussi on Peugeot 208 T16 R5 , with a gap to the top of 1'20''3.
Behind the top three of the Italian Rally, Nicola Caldani, on Citroen Ds3 R5, who run a good race keeping at bay his rivals Fabrizio Andolfi Jr and the Italo-Swiss Stefano Baccega, that respectively ended fifth and sixth on Ford Fiesta R5. Solid race also for Antonio Rusce, on Citroen DS3 R5, who ended seventh absolute. The top ten was rounded up by Mauro Roma on Renault Clio, Alessandro Casella on Peugeot 208 R2 and Roberto Di Giulio on Renault Clio RS.
Good satisfaction for the Women Csai Cup Champion Corinne Federighi, on Twingo R2, that winning the race of the Italian Rally Junior secured important points that place her behind Tassone and Testa. This round closed the season of the Twingo R2 Top Trophy that was won by Federico Bottoni and Daiana Ramacciotti.

ABSOLUTE CLASSIFICATION 3RD RALLY DI ROMA – FINAL RESULT: 1.Scandola-D'Amore (Skoda Fabia R5) in 1:37'36.2; 2. Basso-Granai (Ford Fiesta R5 LDI) at 2.9 ;3.Andreucci-Andreussi (Peugeot 208 T16 R5) at 1'20.3; 4. #NC3-Fannocchia (Citroen DS3 R5) at 4'04.3; 5. Andolfi-Savoia (Ford Fiesta R5) at 4'24.2;6. Baccega-Menchini (Ford Fiesta R5) at 4'34.0; 7.Rusce-Barone (Citroen DS3 R5) at 5'23.6  ; 8.Roma-Colapietro (Renault Clio R3) at 7'35.4;9.Casella-Caputo (Peugeot 208 R2) at 12'34.6; 10.Di Giulio-D'Amora (Renault Clio RS) at 13'24.

CIR Absolute classification: 1.Andreucci 84 points; 2. Basso 54; 3. Scandola 50; 4. Chardonnet 28; 5. Perico 27; 6. Caldani and Albertini 18 ;8.Baccega 15; 9. Tassone 9; 10. Ciavarella 6.

CIR Constructors classification: 1.Peugeot 105; 2.Ford 91;3.Skoda 50; Renault 21;Citroen 8.

CIR Junior classification: 1.Tassone 72 points; 2. Testa 51; 3. Federighi 39; 4. Panzani 31; 4. Marchioro 28; 5. Rossi 24; Bernardi 14.