Entry procedures to round 3 of the Italian CSAI Karting Championship to be held at Circuit of Siena

The third round of the championship is to be held at the Circuit of Siena in Castelnuovo Berardenga (Siena) from 27 to 29 July 2012. The entry procedures can be found below.

07/06/2012 - 8/05/2012 - Entering procedures for the Italian CSAI Karting Championship and for single rounds, as stated in the regulations, require to fill two forms available at www.acisportitalia.it and www.csai.aci.it.

FIRST FORM. The first form is needed to enter the Championship in each of the categories: KZ2, KF2, KF3, 60 Mini and 60 Baby. Drivers not already entered in the whole championship can enter it on a race by race basis, with entry deadline set for the Monday proceeding each event upon the payment of Euros 121,00 (VAT included) per race. The form and the payment receipt must be sent to ACI Sport SpA (e-mail: bastianelli@acisportspa.it). The entering fee entitles to the promotional services offered by the Championship.
The entering fee payment must be done via bank transfer to ACI Sport SpA: c/o Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Formello, Viale Umberto I, 4 - 00063 Campagnano di Roma - IBAN: IT 63 S 08812 38950 000000050986 - BIC ICRAITRRMKO.

SECOND FORM. The second form is needed to enter each race, with the entering fee to be paid directly to the race organizer, which is fixed to Euros 300.00 (VAT included) for categories KZ2, KF2 and KF3, while it is fixed to Euros 215.00 (VAT included) for 60 Mini and 60 Baby.

The entering form to take part in the third round of the championship to be held at the Circuit of Siena (www.circuitodisiena.it) will have to be sent by email to: info@gokart-siena.it or by fax to the number: +39 0577 1959013 NEW

The payment of entering fees for the round of Siena will have to be addressed to:
IBAN IT 35L 08885 14200 0000000 24324 - SWIFT ICRAITRROLØ (please note that the last character is a zero).

Please also note that the entering fee includes Friday free practice.

All regulations and entering forms are available on www.csai.aci.it and www.acisportitalia.it