Lucio Da Zanche and Daniele De Luis, Porsche Carrera RS, win the 37th Sanremo Rally Storico

The race organized by AC Ponente Ligure, the closing round of Campionato Italiano Rally Auto Storiche, delivered the last titles in the specialty.

Closing in style on the roads of the 37th Sanremo Rally Storico, a race organized by the AC Ponente Ligure, for a particularly interesting 2022 Campionato Italiano Rally Auto Storiche. Many titles were already delivered even before the race, many still open; in particular regarding the 3rd and 4th groups.

The course of the race was linear, with Lucio da Zanche and Daniele De Luis, Porsche Carrera Rs of RO Racing, who, after taking the lead in yesterday's first stage, kept it until the finish line. This was despite a furious comeback by the other protagonist of the race, Angelo Lombardo paired with Roberto Consiglio, in a Porsche 911 Carrera RS finished just 8"3, after having accused in the course of the race even 52" of delay from the leader. Lombardo already on the eve of the race certain winner of the Italian title of the 2nd group with the points won here also won the Absolute Trophy of the series.

The two made a race of their own by dividing the successes in the individual special stages, five for the winner Da Zanche and six for Lombardo, with the others remaining constantly distant. In fact, in third place finished Oreste Pasetto with Michela Graziato, Porsche 911 Sc, almost 5' behind at the end of a race that was nevertheless very positive and tactically perfect.

In the overall ranking of the race, Enrico Volpato, with great navigator Flavio Zanella in a Ford Escort RS, finished fourth and fifth, followed by Ermanno Sordi and Maurizio Barone, Porsche 911 Porsche 911 Scrs, first in the 4th group.

The Sanremese race was still a key appointment to indicate some of the seasonal winners. Already assigned before the start the title of the 1st group, Giuliano Palmieri and Lucia Zambiasi on Porsche 911 not present in the race, and of the 2nd to the already mentioned Lombardo, it still remained to assign those of the 3rd and 4th. In the 3rd already from yesterday's day the tricolor title had gone to Beniamino Lo Presti paired with Nicolò Gonnella, Porsche 911 SC. While in the 4th grouping the Italian title went to Sergio Farris with Giuseppe Pirisinu, Porsche 911 SC, here in the race second in group behind Ermanno Sordi paired with Maurizio Barone, Porsche 911 SCRS

37. Sanremo Rallye Storico -- CIRAS Overall Classification: 1. Da Zanche-De Luis (Porsche Carrera Rs) in 1:44'40.6; 2. Lombardo-Consiglio (Porsche Carrera Rs) at 8.3; 3. Pasetto-Graziato (Porsche 911 Sc) at 4'43.7; 4; Volpato-Zanella (Ford Escort Rs) at 6'27.1; 5. Sordi-Barone (Porsche 911 Scrs) at 6'41.9; 6. Pagella-Zambelli (Porsche 911 Sc) at 6'51.1; 7. Farris-Pirisinu (Porsche 911 Sc) at 7'51.6; 8. Lo Presti-Gonella (Porsche 911 Sc) at 10'24.3; 9. Bottazzi-Magnani (Opel Corsa Gsi) at 11'27.4; 10. Delladio-Musti (Porsche 911 Rs) at 13'08.2.