It comes in the second free practice session the best overall time for Davide Uboldi who signs a lap of 1'45.977. The driver from Como leaves this time behind his ranking rival overturning the result of the first session of the morning. Giacomo Pollini in fact follows in P2 with a gap of +0.494. However, the Free Practice 2 session is much shorter than the previous one, suffering from a long break to re-establish track conditions after a problem with Matteo Roccadelli's car causes an oil leak on the track. The team is currently investigating the problem for prompt resolution ahead of the qualifying session, on track as early as this evening at 17:40 in a single 25' session.
Third in practice is Filippo Lazzaroni, driver from Brescia, who scores a gap of +1.138 from the leader. Still very good tests for Giovanni Maschio and Francesco Gàristo, who place respectively in P4 and P5, then Matteo Roccadelli, who despite the oil leak manages to obtain a good lap, followed by Gianluca Carboni. Eighth best time for the Swedish driver Emil Hellberg, followed then by Giancarmine Spadaro and Alessio Salvaggio.
Short session then that, although it could not be exploited to the full because of the forced interruptions, saw improved timing for all drivers. This was the last chance for final adjustments, this evening the Wolf GB08 Thunder are on track battling for the pole of race 1, with already the assignment of the first point to the driver that will hold the fastest lap.
The wait begins for qualifying practice, on track at 17:40, then race 1, Saturday, September 3, with start scheduled at 13:25 (25'+1 lap). Race 2, the last of the 5th round Campionato Italiano Sport Prototipi, will start instead on Sunday, September 4, at 12:10 (25'+ 1 lap).
Both races will be broadcast live on ACI Sport TV (Sky channel 228 and and on the Facebook and Youtube pages of Campionato Italiano Sport Prototipi (@cisprototipi).