Race 2 and 3: Hauger and Petecof

The Norwegian wins with almost 2 seconds on Belov and never really risks to loose first position, while the Brazilian prevails in race 3

Race 2 is won by Dennis Hauger though final results are defined only after race 3 due to an official complaint on the start phase. The grid sees in pole Dennis Hauger (Van Amersfoort Racing), followed by Mikhael Belov (Bhai Tech Racing) Paul Aron (Prema Powerteam) and Jonny Edgar (Jenzer Motorsport). At the start Huager is first, followed by Belov, Aron, Petecof, Rasmussen and Kruetten. Salmenautio does not start, while during the first lap Lorenzo Ferrari (Antonelli Motorsport) hits another car and is out with a great crash but no consequences. Safety Car and red flag for a totally new start.

Launched start at the restart, with Hauger keeping first position, followed by Belov, Aron and Petecof. An accident between Alessandro Famularo (Prema Powerteam) and Roy Lucas Allecco (Van Amersfoort Racing) at the start requires another Safety Car.

At 12’30” to the end exit of safety car and Hauger still keeping safely his foirst position, followed by Belov, Aron, Petecof, Edgar and Rasmussen. Hauger gains space lap after lap, while the following drivers are close one to the other but not enough for overtakes.




Hauge is first on the finish line, after a race with no real rival, followed by Belov, Aron, Petecof, who loses more point on Hauger, Edgar, finally in the first positions, and Rasmussen. Hauger also sets best lap time.

“All is proceeding really well, perfect qualifying and two victories, I could not ask for more. With lower temperatures engine worked differently, but there was not big change in overall performance. I feel good, working greatly with the team, so I think this performance can continue also on other tracks,” has commented a satisfied Dennis Hauger.

Among the Rookies first is Aron, second Duerksen and third Vebster.


Race 3 sees Hauger in pole followed by Petecof, who actually makes a mistake at the start and stays still. After a few alps though all has to be started over again as an accident with a loop by Axel Gnos requires a red flag. Drivers are back on the grid with initial positions, so this time Petecof has a good start, while it is Hauger who makes a similar mistake. In the meantime Belov and Kruetten come to contact, and the first is quickly back on track, so is the other but loosing many positions. Petecof leads followed by Hauger, Belov and Duerksen.

An accidnet at 9’14” to the end of the race reuqetss the entry of the safety car and at the restart the two leading positions are unchanged, with Hauger who attacks heavily Petecof, who actually manages to greatly defend himself, even on a track where the rain is starting to fall, and manages to win. Third is an excellent Ido Cohen (Van Amersfoort Racing), followed by Joshua Duerksen (BWT Muecke Motorsport) and his teammate William Alatalo.

In the Rookie classification first is Joshua Duerksen, followed by Jonny Edgar (Jenzer Motorsport) and Paul Aron (Prema Powerteam).


Results and standings at http://www.acisport.it/campionati/F4/Hungaroring.