Minì wins over Pizzi

Three Italian drivers in the first four positions

The start sees Gabriele Minì, winner of the Super Course of the ACI Sport Federal School, keeping the lead of the race, with Francesco Pizzi (Van Amersfoort Racing) and Leonardo Fornaroli (Iron Lynx) and Sebastian Montoya behind him ( Press Powerteam) who maintain the positions of the starting grid.


A collision of Piotr Wisnicki's car with another brings the rear wing to the track and requires the entry of the safety car. At the restart Minì and Pizzi stretch on the group. Behind Filip Ugran (Jenzer Motorsport) overtakes Fornaroli at the bend of the wagon. Following Hamda Al Qubaisi (Abu Dhabi Racing) leaves the track and thus returns the safety car.




At the restart Pizzi is aggressive on Minì who, however, closes all the doors and holds the first position, while following Ugran attacks Pizzi, and Montoya passes Pietro Delli Guanti (BVM Racing). In the first four positions are therefore Minì, Pizzi, Ugran and Fornaroli.




The positions do not change and under the checkered flag pass Minì, Pizzi, Ugran, Fornaroli, Dino Beganovic (Prema Powerteam and pilot Ferri Driver Academy)


Tomorrow the start of race 2 at 9.50 with direct on Motorsport.tv, MS Motor Tv (Sky 218 channel), and live streaming on the acipsort.it website and on the Facebook page of the championship.