Andrea Frassineti and  Jesse Carrasquedo Jr complete BVM Racing's line-up for the Italian F.4 Championship opener

The recently announced duo will join Sicilian Alfio Spina with the Tam led by Giuseppe Mazzotti getting ready for Imola’s challenges


Officially entering the week of the first race of 2023 for the Italian F.4 Championship, the single-seater series promoted by ACI Sport and WSK Promotion, the line-ups are completed ahead of the appointment at the Enzo and Dino Ferrari racetrack in Imola. For BVM Racing, Italian team ably led on track by Team Principal Giuseppe Mazzotti, it will be the Italian driver Andrea Frassineti and the Mexican driver Jesse Carrasquedo Jr. who will complete the trio of cars at the start.

The two will infact join the previously announced Alfio Spina on the grid, with BVM Racing presenting on the starting blocks with three cars driven by a trio that, back in 2022, had already made its debut in Italian Formula 4, showing several highlights in the series universally recognized as among the most competitive and participated in the world.

The announcementes were spread on the official social media pages of the drivers. 


Picture from 2022 season