The report with the data of 2023 Italian F.4 and Euro 4 season is now available

The success of the Formula 4 made in Italy continued to grow with the 7 events of the Italian Championship and the 3 of the Euro 4 Championship


Just a few months before the start of the 2024 season of the Italian Formula 4 season, the media report for the year 2023 has been published and is available. Once again, the efforts of ACI Sport and WSK Promotion have been rewarded with a great success. Over 11 million viewers enjoyed the television content dedicated to the Italian F4 and Euro 4 Championships, also thanks to the recently renewed international distribution network, which reached 5 continents and 136 territories. The television content was broadcasted by over 2,400 broadcasters, in addition to streaming and IPTV services that distributed races and in-depth content worldwide via the internet.

Press coverage, both national and international, in print and online, was also excellent, quantified at an average of more than 1 million readers for each of the 10 rounds of the season. The favorable public response was also noted in terms of attendance at the events of the 2 Championships, which saw an average of 5 thousand spectators per event during race weekends.

The report with all the details is available here:[]//Championship_presentation_2023_f4_eng.pdf

The countdown continues for the start of the new season (on the weekend of May 5th at Misano for the Italian F.4, August 25th at Mugello for the Euro 4), which will return with 10 events, in 5 Italian circuits and 3 European tracks, to offer an exciting and challenging calendar for young drivers on the path to Formula 1.


Italian F.4 Championship 2024:

May 5th Misano (Italy)

June 2nd Imola (Italy)

June 16th Vallelunga (Italy)

July 14th Mugello (Italy)

July 21st Paul Ricard (France)

September 29th Barcelona (Spain)

October 27th Monza (Italy)


Euro 4 Championship 2024:

August 25th Mugello (Italy)

September 15th Red Bull Ring (Austria)

October 6th Monza (Italy)