The ACI Racing Weekend preliminary day kicks off in Imola with F4 collective tests

Dion Gowda is the fastest on track after the first morning sessions


The ACI Racing Weekend prelude day opens in Imola for the drivers of the Italian F.4 Championship, who take to the track divided into 3 groups for collective 50-minute test sessions. At the end of the first session for each group, the fastest lap is held by the Indian driver of Prema Racing, Dion Gowda, who set the record in the group B with a time of 1’45.762.

In Group A, the first to hit the track this morning, Reno Francot, the Dutch driver of Jenzer Motorsport, was the fastest. Francot led the group from the start, then further improved his time during the session, clocking in at 1’45.993. Behind him were his Swiss teammates Ethan Ischer and Enea Frey, at +0.591 and +0.689 respectively. In fourth position was Romanian driver Luca Viisoreanu, representing Team Real Racing, at 0.694, followed by the Spanish driver of AS Motorsport, Edward Robinson, with a gap from Francot of 1.692.

In Group B, there was an intense battle among the drivers of PREMA Racing, with Alex Powell initially at the top, followed by Freddie Slater, before Dion Gowda set the fastest lap. At the end of the session, the British driver Slater was right behind Gowda with a gap of just 0.037 seconds. Third place went to Tomass Stolcermanis at 0.102, followed by the Japanese driver Kean Nakamura Berta at 0.355. Alex Powell was fifth at 0.548, and Rashid Al Dhaheri was sixth at 0.552. The entire lineup of the Vicenza team thus placed in the top positions, followed by a trio from PHM AIX Racing led by Davide Larini (+0.878), then the Serbian Andrej Petrovic (+0.912), and Maksimilian Popov (+1.147).

In Group C, the fastest lap was achieved by the Japanese driver Hiyu Yamakoshi of Van Amersfoort Racing, who stopped the clock at 1’45.892. Behind him by a mere 0.12 seconds was the American driver Akshay Bohra of US Racing. The Italian driver Alvise Rodella, also representing Van Amersfoort Racing, had an excellent session, finishing third with a gap of 0.363. Fourth place went to the Brazilian driver Matheus Ferreira of US Racing, at 0.379, followed by the Swedish driver of Van Amersfoort, Gustav Jonsson, at 0.421.


The collective tests continue, with all three groups hitting the track two more times today, again in 50-minute sessions per group. Live timing is available at the following link: