Piccini, Palomba and Irlando ready to fight for the victory at the Italian ACI Karting Championship KZ2 in Adria

Qualifying heats have taken place in Adria ahead of the double final of KZ2, X30 Junior and Senior, Rok Junior and Senior. Live TV coverage on ACI TV Sky 228 and streaming from acisport.it/it/CIK/home and Facebook page of the Italian ACI Karting Championship on Sunday from 9:30.

Piccini wins the heats in KZ2.
After the great performance put in by Giuseppe Palomba and Team LG Motorsport on BirelART-TM Racing on Friday, Alessio Piccini, BirelART run by team Tribe One, came to the fore in the two heats on Saturday and claimed the win in both. Palomba had to settle for P2 in both occasions, while the third place went to another strong protagonist of the weekend: Alex Irlando (NGM Motorsport /CRG-TM Racing). He will also be ready for the battle on Sunday. Fabrizio Rosati (Team Driver/KR-TM Racing) also had a good day as he was sixth and fourth in the two heats. Natalia Balbo (NGM Motorsport /CRG-TM Racing) was in the top ten of both heats, while her teammate Giacomo Pollini, was stopped by incidents. The classification leader Marco Tormen is currently sixth for Modena Kart on BirelART-TM Racing.

KZ2 classification: 1. Piccini; 2. Palomba; 3. Irlando; 4. Liwinski; 5. Rosati; 6. Tormen; 7. Balbo; 8. Funda; 9. Travisanutto; 10. Simoni.


Scognamiglio leader of X30 Senior.
The main protagonist of X30 Senior has been the 2020 Italian Champion of Junior Manuel Scognamiglio (Team Gamoto/Tony Kart-Iame), who claimed two wins that earned him the pole position in the first of the two finals on Sunday. Danny Carenini (Autoeuropeo/Tony Kart-Iame) secured the pole position in practice and claimed a win and a second place that grant him the start from P2 in race-1. Paolo Gallo (GP-Iame), Cristian Comanducci (PRK/Tony Kart-Iame), the latter was handed a 5s time penalty, Vittorio Maria Russo (TB Kart Racing Team/TB Kart-Iame) and Giovanni Trentin (Team Driver/KR-Iame) will also start high up.

X30 Senior classification: 1. Scognamiglio; 2. Carenini; 3. Gallo; 4. Comanducci; 5. Russo; 6. Trentin; 7. Donno; 8. Tsolov; 9. Colombo; 10. Guazzaroni.


The rookie Monza sets the pole for the first final of X30 Junior.
X30 Junior highlighted the quality of Singapore’s Tiziano Monza, Team Driver on KR-Iame, who is at the debut in this category. After the pole position in qualifying practice, Monza secured the pole position for the first final on Sunday, thanks to a victory and a second place in the heats. Leonardo Baccaglini (KR-Iame) secured a great start from the front row as he claimed one win and a second place after P5 in qualifying. Sebastiano Pavan (Team Driver/KR-Iame) recovered well with a win and a third place, which earned him P3 on the grid of Race-1, while the French Andy Ratel (CRG-Iame) recovered up to P4 leading Riccardo Leone Cirelli (Autoeuropeo/Tony Kart-Iame) and Davide Larini (Newman/Tony Kart-Iame). Riccardo Paniccià (MAD Racing/Tony Kart-Iame) slipped down to P9 after the second place in qualifying. René Lammers (BabyRace/Parolin-Iame) had to run the second chance race that he won and will therefore start from P29.

X30 Junior classification: 1. Monza; 2. Baccaglini; 3. Pavan; 4. Ratel; 5. Cirelli; 6. Larini; 7. Matveev; 8. Varbitzaliev; 9. Paniccià; 10. Minetto.

Rok Senior dominated by Czepiel, Rok Junior by Baldassarri.
In Rok, Senior was dominated by the Pole Karol Czepiel (KRT Exprit/Exprit-Vortex), who claimed the pole position and the victory of both heats. On the two occasions, the second place went to Giovanni Maschio (Kosmic-Vortex) and Marco Matera (MAD Racing/Tony Kart-Vortex). In Junior, the victory was shared by Alessandro Antonelli (Parolin-Vortex) and Thomas Baldassarri (Newman/Tony Kart-Vortex). Antonelli won from Nicolò Coppotelli (KGT/FA-Vortex) and Mattia Jentile (Autoeuropeo/Tony Kart-Vortex), while Baldassarri led Jentile and Alberto Kiko Fracassi (Tony Kart-Vortex) at the flag. Baldassarri leads the classification after the heats.

Rok Senior classification: 1. Czepiel; 2. Maschio; 3. Materza; 4. Granelli.
Rok Junior classification: 1. Baldassarri; 2. Jentile; 3. Antonelli; 4. Coppotelli; 5. Bushuev; 6. Fracassi; 7. Piszczako; 8. Naude; 9. Czaja; 10. Bernardi.

The program. Sunday, May 9: Finals from 9:30 Race-1 and Race-2 from 13:00.

LIVE ON TV AND STREAMING. The live coverage of the event will include ACI Sport TV (Sky 228), Live Streaming and on-demand on www.acisport.it, Facebook page of the ACI Karting Championship. The FreeView channel of Mediasport group MS Sport will show the race recorded.
Specials will also cover the event within the ACI Sport Magazine on RAI Sport, national networks, web and local networks covering the whole national territory.

Complete results: https://www.acisport.it/it/CIK/home

In the pictures: 1) Alessio Piccini, KZ2; 2) Manuel Scognamiglio, X30 Senior; 3) X30 Junior.

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